The links below allow access to further reading on the content of individual pages.
Pages 1–11
Peter Rogers Extract: A Painter’s Quest + The Way of Life: Lao Tsu
Pages 12–13
The Circle and the Square
Pages 14–17
The Study and Practice of Contemplative Geometry
Pages 18–19
The Primal Act: The Division of Unity
Pages 20–21
Relationships between the Changing and the Unchanging
Pages 22–23
Pattern: The Universal language
Pages 26–27
The Circle and Shapes That Arise
Pages 28–29
All is One - One is All
Pages 30–31
The Square and √2, and the Principle of Growth and Transformation
Pages 32–33
The Root Rectangles, and the One and the Many
Pages 34–35
Diagonal, Reciprocal and Root Rectangles
Pages 38–39
Music: Vibration and Key Relationships
Pages 40–41
Expressions of Reciprocity, Mediation and Alternation
Pages 42–43
The Golden Proportion (Extract by Robert Lawlor)
Pages 44–45
The Geometry of the Planets
Pages 46–47
The Golden Proportion (extract by Robert Lawlor)
Pages 48–49
The Golden Proportion: The Golden Proportion in line, square and curve. The Ubiquity of ⏀
Pages 50–51
The Golden Proportion: The Star and 5. The Divisions of ⏀
Pages 52–53
The Golden Proportion: Carpet pages: ⏀ in All Things
Pages 54–55
Three that is Two that is One
Pages 60–61
Complex Structures and Organisation, and Visual Vocabulary
Page 62–63
Myths to live by: An introduction. Freud and Jung, The Fig. √3
Pages 64–65
Myths. The Primal Division of Unity, and √3
Pages 66–67
Myths. Death and Resurrection, and √2
Pages 68–69
Myths.The Macrocosm, Man, The Microcosm, and ⏀ the Golden Proportion
Pages 70–71
Paradox: some thoughts and reflections
Pages 72
The Circle of Eternity. Text from Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot.