Links to Further Reading:
Robert Lawlor:
John Michell:
Arthur Koestler:
H.E. Huntley:
Joseph Cambell:
Jacob Needleman:
John Martineau:
Book List
Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice by Robert Lawlor
The Divine Proportion by H.E. Huntley.
Time Stands Still, The Hidden Geometry of Flowers, Islamic Patterns & other books by Keith Critchlow
The Dimensions of Paradise by John Michell
Twelve Tribe Nations by John Michell
Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe by Michael Shneider
Elements of Dynamic Symmetry by Jay Hambidge
On Growth and Form by D’arcy Thompson
Timaeus - Plato
Sensitive Chaos by Theodor Shwenk
The Curves of Life by Theodore Andrea Cook
Nature’s Numbers by Ian Stewart
Fearful Symmetry by Ian Stewart
The Mystery of Numbers by Anne Marie Schimmel
Cymatics by Hans Jenny
Homage to Pythagoras Rediscovering Sacred Science by Christopher Bamford
In the Beginning, a Journey into Meaning through the Making of a Calligraphic Work by Ann Hechle, pub 2020
The Image of Grace, an Exploration of Hexagram No 22 in the I Ching, the Chinese Book of Changes by Ann Hechle, pub 2020
Many of the Wooden Book series - designed and edited by John Martineau: A Little Book of Co-incidences - John Martineau. Sun, Moon and Earth - Robin Heath. Sacred Numbers- Miranda Lundy
The Ghost in the Machine by Arthur Koestler
Janus: a summing up by Arthur Koester
Chaos by James Gleik
Fractals by John Briggs
Pi in the sky by Michael Poynder
Megalithic Sites in Britain (the Megalithic Yard) by A Thom
Quantum Physics
Wholeness and the Implicate Order by David Bohm
The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene
The Quantum Self by Danah Zohar
Helgoland by Carlo Rovelli
Quantum Theology by Diarmuid O’ Murchu
Myths to live by by Joseph Campbell
In the Name of the Gods by David Elkington
A Sense of the Cosmos by Jacob Needleman
The Greek Myths by Robert Graves
Sacred Geometry, Sacred Space by Gordon Strachan.
The Master Masons of Chartres By John James